Linking a Lock to More Than One Property

Guesty Locks Manager now offers the option to link one lock to more than one property. For example:

  • Combo units - unit A and unit B are also listed as one big unit C (A+B)
  • Shared doors between rooms - units A, B, C can be linked as:
    • Units A & B with shared door X
    • Units A, B, & C with shared doors X and Y


For common doors, see instructions here.

Follow the steps below to link a lock to more than one property, depending on whether the lock is being linked for the first time or is already linked to a property.

Lock not yet linked

  1. Sign in to your Guesty For Hosts account.
  2. Access Guesty Locks Manager
    1. On desktop: At the top right click the diamond icon then Guesty Locks Manager.
    2. On mobile: Click Menu then scroll down to click Guesty Locks Manager.
  3. On the “Locks” page, click the Not linked tab.
  4. In the row of the relevant lock, under "Property", click Link Property.
  5. Select the relevant properties, then click Link.

You will see a pop-up confirming that the lock was linked, and the lock will be automatically moved from the “Not linked” to “Linked” tab. 

Lock already linked to a property

  1. Sign in to your Guesty For Hosts account.
  2. Access Guesty Locks Manager
    1. On desktop: At the top right click the diamond icon then Guesty Locks Manager.
    2. On mobile: Click Menu then scroll down to click Guesty Locks Manager.
  3. On the “Locks” page, click the Linked tab.
  4. In the row of the relevant lock, under "Property", click the link icon.
  5. Select the relevant properties, then click Link.
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