Upgrade from Smart Locks to Guesty Locks Manager


Guesty Locks Manager is not available during the free trial period. To upgrade, you will first need to purchase a Guesty For Hosts subscription. See instructions here.

The current Smart Locks solution stopped being supported by Guesty on December 31, 2023. We’re making it easy to switch to a more reliable solution today.

With Guesty Locks Manager, you can remotely manage all your smart locks from a single dashboard, with automatic guest and backup code generation, and full visibility into real-time lock information. Learn more.

Pricing for Guesty Locks Manager is USD $8.00 per linked lock/month with unlimited codes.

Before You Begin

Please note the following important information before starting the upgrade process:

  • Your locks will be automatically disconnected from Smart Locks as part of this process.
  • Follow the steps to immediately link your locks to properties in Guesty Locks Manager for codes to be generated for future reservations.
    • New codes will not be generated until the locks are linked to properties.
    • Once a property is linked, all future reservations will be issued Guesty Locks Manager codes.
  • In order to share the new Guesty Locks Manager codes with guests, you must update the tag used in your automated message templates from --guest_phone_number_last4–- to --guest_access_code--
    • Your automated messages will be sent without a code until the tag is changed.
    • Schedule at least 20 minutes after reservation confirmation to allow time for the variable to populate.

Switch From Smart Locks to Guesty Locks Manager

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty For Hosts account.
  2. In the top toolbar, click Menu.
  3. Scroll down to the "More Features" section and click Smart Locks.
  4. Under "Guesty Locks Manager" click Claim upgrade discount.
  5. Follow the prompts to review product information and continue.
  6. In the final pop-up, click the checkboxes to agree to the following:
    1. Your locks will be disconnected from Smart Locks
    2.  Billing according to the Terms & Conditions
  7. Click Sign up to Guesty Locks Manager.
    1. If this button is grayed out and you are unable to click, please contact us.
  8. Follow the steps to link your locks to your properties. See more details here.
  9. Once the locks are linked, update the tag used in your automated messages to send the new codes to guests. See more details here.
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