Undo a manual adjustment in Guesty PriceOptimizer

In Guesty PriceOptimizer, the recommended pricing can be overridden manually at any time, for one night or for multiple dates. See full details here. If you would like to remove or reverse a manual change made to the pricing, follow the steps below.

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty for Hosts account.
  2. In the top right corner, click the diamond icon.
  3. Click PriceOptimizer.
  4. Click on the relevant listing.
  5. In the Pricing forecast tab, click on the relevant date or dates. Manual overrides are shown in purple in the pricing forecast chart.
  6. In the pop-up, click the reset button next to the rate, then click the checkmark.
  7. Click Apply x change(s) in the top right corner and select Apply in the confirmation pop-up.
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