This content is relevant for the Vrbo Upgraded Connection. If you are on the Standard Connection, see articles here. If you are not sure which connection you are on, see here.
When you list your property on Vrbo, you are using Vrbo’s channel services to market your business. Vrbo will take a commission from you for those services. This is referred as "channel commission".
The Vrbo Pay Per Booking host fee/channel commission fee is 5%. It is charged 48 hours after booking unless a cancellation is received. If the fee was already charged when the reservation was canceled, it will be refunded. Learn more about Pay Per Booking in Vrbo's help article.
If you are currently on an annual subscription with Vrbo, you must let Vrbo know directly during the onboarding process or you will be automatically switched to Pay Per Booking.
The channel commission for Pay Per Booking is calculated based on the sub-total of the reservation, which includes:
- The accommodation fare
- Discount, when applicable
- Cleaning fee
- Additional fees
Service fees and taxes are excluded from this calculation in Vrbo.
Vrbo does not send Guesty channel commission information. To make sure the commission is reflected on Vrbo reservations, you can add a mark-up to your Vrbo rates under Account Settings.