Managing Existing Vrbo Reservations (New Upgraded Connection Users Only)


This content is relevant for the Vrbo Upgraded Connection. If you are on the Standard Connection, see articles here. If you are not sure which connection you are on, see here.

If your account was previously managed in the Vrbo dashboard, or through another property management software, reservations that were received before connecting the Vrbo account to Guesty For Hosts need to be uploaded manually. Follow the steps below to identify and manage these reservations.

Identify Reservations Made Before Connecting

You can identify which reservations were received before and after the account was connected by the number of digits in the reservation code, after the "HA-" prefix:
  • Reservations that were received before connecting to Guesty For Hosts have six digits after the prefix: HA-123456.
  • Reservations that were received after connecting to Guesty For Hosts have seven digits after the prefix: HA-1234567.

Manage Reservations Made Before Connecting

Existing Account Is Managed Through Another PMS/Channel Manager

  • Follow the steps in this article to fill out and send us a template with existing reservations.

Existing Account Is Managed Though Vrbo Directly

  • Preexisting reservations should not be imported or uploaded into Guesty. You will need to create a manual reservation in Guesty For Hosts for recording purposes and to block the calendar on Guesty For Hosts to avoid double bookings.
  • Any subsequent reservation changes made in Vrbo will NOT be synced with Guesty For Hosts and must be manually updated in Guesty For Hosts.
  • Credit card details for existing reservations will not be received in Guesty. For Hosts You could manage the payments via the previous connection, or contact guests for their payment details.
  • For guest communication, platform messages are not possible with manual reservations. You can add the guest email address in Guesty For Hosts to email them directly, and any automation rules for platform messages will be automatically sent via email.
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