Export Reservations to an Excel File

If you would like a copy of your reservation data, or need to import it to other tools for marketing, accounting or invoicing, follow the steps below to export your reservations on a listing basis.
  1. Sign in to your Guesty For Hosts account.
  2. In the top menu, click Menu.
  3. Scroll down to the "Reservations" section.
  4. Click Export Reservations.
  5. Under "Show", select one of the following to sort your data:
    • Check-in list: Reservations will be sorted according to check-in date, ascending
    • Check-out list: Reservations will be sorted according to check-out date, ascending
    • Confirmed Reservations: Reservations will be sorted according to confirmation date, ascending
  6. Select the listing from your active or deleted listings.
  7. Select the date range.
  8. Click the tickbox to include cancelled reservations, if needed.
  9. Select from the data fields (shown below) to include in your table.
  10. Click Update Table. Your data will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  11. Click Export to Excel.


If you would like to reset your data to the previous version, click Clear.


A deleted listing will appear in your list of listings to select from, with "(Deleted)" after the listing name. To export reservation data for a deleted listing simply follow the same process.

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