After creating automation rules, you can switch a rule on or off; you can delete a rule; you can edit the schedule or template; and include new listings for a rule. Follow the steps below.
If you would like to edit automated messages for a particular reservation, see information here.
View All Rules
- Sign in to your Guesty For Hosts account.
- At the top, click Messaging.
- Click Automated Messaging.
- Click Scheduled Messages.
All of your existing message automation rules are displayed, grouped by trigger: After Confirmation, Check-in, and Check-out.
Switch a Rule On or Off
- To the right of the relevant rule, click the toggle button on or off.
This will stop or start automated messages for all future related bookings.
Manage Rules By Listing
- Filter rules by listing: At the top, click all your listings, then select one listing from the pop-up.
- View listings assigned to each rule: Under a rule, click Related listings to display.
- To edit the listings assigned to a rule, see instructions below.
Edit Details of a Rule
The type of message sent - via platform, email, or SMS - cannot be edited. If you would like to change how a message is sent, you must create a new automation rule and switch off or delete the original rule.
- To the right of the relevant rule, click Edit.
- Click on one or more of the below sections to edit. See here for details on each section.
- Schedule
- Listings
- Template
- Click Update.
Delete a Rule
- To the right of the relevant rule, click Edit.
- Click Delete.
- In the pop-up warning box, click Delete.