Editing Message Automation Rules

After creating automation rules, you can switch a rule on or off; you can delete a rule; you can edit the schedule or template; and include new listings for a rule. Follow the steps below.


If you would like to edit automated messages for a particular reservation, see information here.

View All Rules

  1. Sign in to your Guesty For Hosts account.
  2. At the top, click Messaging.
  3. Click Automated Messaging.
  4. Click Scheduled Messages.
All of your existing message automation rules are displayed, grouped by trigger: After Confirmation, Check-in, and Check-out.

Switch a Rule On or Off

  • To the right of the relevant rule, click the toggle button on or off.
This will stop or start automated messages for all future related bookings.

Manage Rules By Listing

  • Filter rules by listing: At the top, click all your listings, then select one listing from the pop-up.
  • View listings assigned to each rule: Under a rule, click Related listings to display.
  • To edit the listings assigned to a rule, see instructions below.

Edit Details of a Rule


The type of message sent - via platform, email, or SMS - cannot be edited. If you would like to change how a message is sent, you must create a new automation rule and switch off or delete the original rule.

  1. To the right of the relevant rule, click Edit.
  2. Click on one or more of the below sections to edit. See here for details on each section.
    1. Schedule
    2. Listings
    3. Template
  3. Click Update.

Delete a Rule

  1. To the right of the relevant rule, click Edit.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. In the pop-up warning box, click Delete.
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