How Can I Cancel My Guesty For Hosts Subscription and Disconnect From Airbnb?

You can cancel your subscription to Guesty For Hosts at any time. After cancelling, you must also disconnect our software from your Airbnb account. Follow the steps below. 


This option is only available in the desktop version of Guesty For Hosts, not the mobile app.

Cancel In Guesty For Hosts

  1. Sign in to Guesty For Hosts.
  2. Click Menu.
  3. Click Account.
  4. Click Subscription.
  5. At the bottom, click Cancel Subscription.
After you cancel your subscription, you will have access to Guesty For Host until the end of the current billing period.

Disconnect Guesty For Hosts from Airbnb


If you do not disconnect your account while you still have access to Guesty For Hosts, you must disconnect in Airbnb.

To disconnect Airbnb in Guesty For Hosts while you still have access:
  1. Click Menu.
  2. Click Airbnb.
  3. Click Disconnect.
After your billing period has ended your account will be suspended, and you must disconnect Guesty For Hosts in Airbnb. Follow Airbnb's instructions for disconnecting in this article.
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