Income Reports Business Model Options

Guesty For Hosts offers three business models to help calculate your income reports. When you create a new income report, choose one of the following that best fits your business needs.


Entries from Expense Tracking will only appear on income reports for payout and invoice business models, not for self operator.

  • Self Operator: You run your own business do not need to calculate any commissions in your reports. You will see the total earnings with a detailed price breakdown in your report, but no payouts or management fees will be calculated.
  • Payout Model: You are collecting the whole payout and sending their share to owners.
  • Invoice Model: Your clients get the whole payout and you invoice them for payment.
If you select the payout or the invoice model, you will be prompted to complete the following fields:
  • Your payout or management fee is a percentage of one of the following calculations:
    • Gross amount: (accommodation fee + cleaning fee)
    • Net payout: (accommodation fee + cleaning fee - platform service fee)
    • Net payout without cleaning fee: (net payout - cleaning fee)
    • Accommodation fee: comes from the reservation channel based on nightly rates.
  • The percentage used to calculate the payout or management fee.
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