Changing Availability in the Calendar

In Guesty For Hosts, you can easily manage your listings' availability in the multi-calendar by manually creating custom availability for specific date ranges. Before making any changes, be sure to read the notes in each section below to understand the impact. 
For information on how to update your listings' pricing in the calendar, see here.


When a reservation is cancelled the dates are automatically opened. If you want to keep the date range blocked after a reservation was cancelled, you must manually update it following the instructions below.

Make Dates Unavailable / Block Dates

  1. Sign in to your Guesty For Hosts account.
  2. In the top menu, click Calendar.
  3. Select the date range by clicking and dragging from start to end date.
  4. In the "Update Price and Availability" pop-up, update the relevant details:
    • Update Channels: If the listing is connected to more than one channel, you can click the tickbox to exclude a channel from the availability update.
    • Availability: Click Blocked.
  5. Click Update.

Linked Listings

If you block dates for a listing that is linked in a "family" hierarchy, the calendar for any linked listings will remain open. Only reservations will automatically update linked listings' calendars. See more information about linked listings here.

Make Dates Available / Open Dates

  1. Sign in to your Guesty For Hosts account.
  2. In the top menu, click Calendar.
  3. Select the date range by clicking and dragging from start to end date.
    • NOTE: If you select dates that include a reservation, availability will be open for the reservation dates. To avoid double bookings, see steps below to exclude reservations.
  4. In the "Update Price and Availability" pop-up, update the relevant details:
    • Update Channels: If the listing is connected to more than one channel, you can click the tickbox to exclude a channel from the availability update.
    • Availability: Click Available.
  5. Click Update.

Linked Listings

If you open dates for a listing that is linked in a "family" hierarchy, and a linked listing has a reservation during these dates, a pop-up warning will appear. If you click "continue" to open the dates, this can result in a double booking.  See more information about linked listings here.

Exclude Reservations From Date Range

In the example below, 25 June through 7 July are selected, which include a reservation from 30 June to 03 July. If Availability is changed to "Available" for this date range, it will open all dates in the range, including 30 June to 03 July.
In order to avoid double bookings, existing reservations need to be excluded. In this example, two date ranges should be selected, 25-29 June, and 04-07 July, and each made "Available".

Change Minimum Stay

  1. Sign in to your Guesty For Hosts account.
  2. In the top menu, click Calendar.
  3. Select the date range by clicking and dragging from start to end date.
    • NOTE: If you select dates that include a reservation, a change in the minimum stay will open availability for the reservation dates. To avoid double bookings, see information below.
  4. In the "Update Price and Availability" pop-up, update the relevant details:
    • Update Channels: If the listing is connected to more than one channel, you can click the tickbox to exclude a channel from the availability update.
    • Minimum Stay: Enter the number of minimum nights.
  5. Click Update.

Exclude Reservations From Date Range

In the example below, 25 June through 7 July are selected, which include a reservation from 30 June to 03 July. If the Minimum Stay is changed, it will "re-set" availability and open all dates in the range, including 30 June to 03 July.
In order to avoid double bookings, existing reservations need to be excluded. In this example, two date ranges should be selected, 25-29 June, and 04-07 July, and the minimum stay adjusted for each range.

Calendar Showing Reservation with Open Dates

In the below example, the arrows point to dates that have a reservation and are blocked. The red outline shows dates that have a reservation and are also open, indicating that the date range was manually opened without excluding the reservation.
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