Creating Message Templates in Multiple Languages

Once you've created a message template in default English, you can edit the template to create versions in different languages. In certain cases, Guesty For Hosts will automatically detect the guest's language and send the relevant language template. You can also update the guest's language on a reservation at any time. Follow the steps below.

Edit Template for New Language Version

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to Guesty For Hosts.
  2. Click Messaging.
  3. Click View Message Templates.
  4. Click the relevant template.
  5. To the right of "Language", click the dropdown arrow and select Add New Language.
  6. In the pop-up menu, click the relevant language then click Add.
  7. In the text box, type the template content in the selected language.
  8. At the top right, click Save.
When you view the list of Message Templates, you can see that this template includes a version in another language in addition to English.


Repeat the above steps for additional languages as needed for your guests.

Automatic Language Detection of Guest Emails

In certain cases, Guesty For Hosts will automatically detect the guest's language and send the relevant language template. See details below based on reservation origin.


If the guest does not send a message first, or if you did not create a template in the guest’s language, the English version of the template will be sent.

  • Airbnb: Based on guest's language in message.
    • We will automatically detect the language and send the relevant language template.
  • Based on guest's location.
    • will send the guest' country information with Guesty For Hosts. We will send the relevant language template based on the country.
  • Vrbo: Language detection currently not available.
    • You can create a variation of the template in another language for Vrbo specifically, or update the language on a reservation basis. See above and below sections for details.
  • Manual reservations: You can select the guest's language at the time of reservation creation.

Manually Update Language for a Reservation

If the language is not automatically detected as described above, you can always update the language on a reservation basis to enable Message Automation to use the template in the intended language. Following the steps below:
  1. Click on Timeline or Calendar.
  2. Click on the relevant reservation.
  3. In the Reservation Detail page, scroll down to Language.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. In the pop-up menu, click the relevant language then click Add.


In order for Guesty For Hosts to send a message in the guest's language, you must create a message template version in that language as per steps above.

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