After you've created one or more income reports, you can view or edit them as needed following the steps below.
We gather all reservations from all channels that have payout data. For iCal reservations and manual reservations within your selected period you need to fill out the payout details. Once done, we will automatically add them into your report.
View an Income Report
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty For Hosts account.
- At the top, click Menu.
- Click Income Reports.
- Click View Income Reports.
- On the relevant report, click View.
Date Range View
By default, the reports are prepared for each month. To change the date range view:
- At the top right click the calendar icon.
- From the drop-down menu select a different date range or create a custom range.
Financial Overview Section
Each report comes with specialized Financial Overview Cards depending on your business model.
To customize the cards displayed in your report:
- At the top right click Report Data.
- Click to select or de-select data fields.
- Click Done.
Financial Overview Cards Explained
Gross amount
Accommodation fee + Cleaning fee + Other fees
Net payout | Accommodation fee + Cleaning fee + Other fees - Platform service fee |
Net payout without cleaning fee | Accommodation fee + Other fees - Platform service fee |
Accommodation fee | Comes from the reservation channel based on nightly rates including other fees |
Cleaning fee
Cleaning fee
Platform service fee
Platform service fee
Other fees
Any other fee coming from the reservation channel except accommodation fee and cleaning fee
Management fee | Calculated based on your payout model settings |
Breakdown Section
View detailed price breakdowns for each listing and for each reservation. This data is collected from all of your connected channels and displayed according to the financial overview cards selected.
- Click Listing View or Reservations View to toggle between the two detailed views.
Reservations View options:
- Scroll to the right to view all columns.
- In the last column, hover over the three dots for the following options:
- View Reservation details
- Change payment date
- Refresh Payout Details
- This option appears for Airbnb and Vrbo reservations only. It refreshes the reservation payout info while keeping you on the same page.
The "Distributed Revenue" statistic is the number of occupied nights multiplied by average revenue per night based on net payout (accommodation fee + cleaning fee + other fees - platform service fee).
Report Action Options
- At the top right, click Action for the following options:
- Add new expense.
- Export an Excel version of the report.
- Include other fees in the accommodation fee.