Sending an Income Report Payout Statement

Payout statements are automatically generated for payout model income reports. Follow the steps below to edit the billing client, include additional item fees, and send the invoice.

Preview a Payout Statement

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty For Hosts account.
  2. At the top, click Menu.
  3. Click Income Reports.
  4. Click View Income Reports.
  5. On an payout model income report, click View.
  6. Scroll to the bottom, click Preview Payout Statement.

Edit a Payout Statement

Once you've accessed a payout statement following the steps above, you have the following options to edit:
  • Select a different client for billing: under "Bill to" click Change Client.
  • Add an extra item:
    1. In the "Extra item" text box, start typing the extra item/fee name.
    2. In the "Amount" text box, use the arrows to set the amount to charge.
    3. Click Add Extra Item.
  • Delete an extra item: To the right of an existing extra item, click the garbage icon.
  • Edit notes: Auto-generated text includes a summary of the payout calculations and dates. Click in the "Notes" text box to edit.
Click Save after making any edits.

Generate a Payout Statement

  1. Click Generate Payout Statement PDF.
  2. Select one of the following options:
    1. Copy Link
      1. A link to the statement will be automatically copied to your clipboard to share.
    2. View
      1. The statement will open in a new window for you to download, save, and share.
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