Why Is My Rate Different in Guesty For Hosts From Booking.com?

If your daily rate in the Booking.com calendar is not as expected, it is due to one of the following reasons:
  • The daily rate in Booking.com is averaged out over a full stay. 
    • If you have different daily rates, for example weekday and weekend, these will not be reflected in the Airbnb calendar.
    • Verify that the total amount for the stay is the same in both calendars.
  • The channel markup set in Guesty For Hosts is not included in the Guesty For Hosts calendar daily rate, but calculated when the rate is pushed to Booking.com.
    • For example: 
      • Guesty For Hosts calendar daily rate = $100
      • Guesty For Hosts channel markup = 15%
      • Booking.com calendar daily rate = $115
  • If using multiple rates in Booking.com, check that they are based on the same rate plan connected to Guesty for Hosts.
  • Custom price change was made in the listing's calendar. 
To understand how the calendar daily rate is calculated in Guesty For Hosts, with example calculations, see details here.
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