Editing Automated Cleaning and Task Reminders

Once you've created automated task reminders, they can be easily viewed and managed from the Cleaning Reminders tab. The reminders are organized by trigger event type: new reservation, check-ins, and check-outs. To activate/deactivate, edit, or delete a reminder, follow the steps below.

Activate or Deactivate a Reminder

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty For Hosts account.
  2. At the top, click Cleaning.
  3. Click Cleaning Reminders.
  4. To the right of the relevant reminder, click the radial button.
    1. Blue = activated
    2. Gray = deactivated

Edit a Reminder

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty For Hosts account.
  2. At the top, click Cleaning.
  3. Click Cleaning Reminders.
  4. To the right of the relevant reminder, click Edit.
  5. Click on the relevant section to edit details as needed.
    1. For more information on each section, click here.


Changes made here will be in effect for all future task reminders. If you need to make a change for a specific reservation only, you can do this under Cleaning Reports.

Delete a Reminder

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty For Hosts account.
  2. At the top, click Cleaning.
  3. Click Cleaning Reminders.
  4. To the right of the relevant reminder, click Edit.
  5. Scroll to the bottom, click Delete.
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