Uploading Existing Vrbo Reservations From Another PMS (Upgraded Connection)

When switching to the Vrbo upgraded connection in Guesty For Hosts from another PMS/channel manager, all existing reservations in your Vrbo portfolio must be mapped in order to be managed by Guesty For Hosts.

Follow the steps below to complete the reservations template and send it in to Customer Solutions for us to upload.

If you are switching from Vrbo directly, reservations are NOT imported. See more information here


Please ensure that you have set up your taxes and Vrbo markup in the account or relevant listing before uploading reservations. Otherwise, they will not be added to the reservation.

Fill Out Reservations Template

The template must follow the format provided, with all mandatory fields (marekd with *) filled out in order for the reservations to upload successfully.

Step by step:

  1. Save a copy of this "View only" template on your computer.
  2. Fill out the template with the mandatory and optional fields as described below.
  3. Create a ticket for Customer Solutions and attached the completed template in CSV format.

Mandatory Fields

  1. accountId: Guesty Account ID (ex:563e0b6a08a2710e00057b82)
  2. listingId: Guesty Listing ID (ex: 59340fbed0140d1000c49f2f)
  3. firstName: Guest first name (ex: Lucy)
  4. lastName: Guest last name (ex: Perricone)
  5. numberOfGuests: Number of guests (ex: 7)
  6. checkIn: Date - YYYY-MM-DD (ex: 2019-07-22)
  7. checkOut: Date - YYYY-MM-DD (ex: 2019-07-23)
  8. status: One of the following:
    • Confirmed
    • Reserved
    • Inquiry
  9. currency: Currency (ex: USD)
  10. source: uploaded_VRBO
    1. NOTE: This is case sensitive. "uploaded_vrbo" is not valid, it must be "uploaded_VRBO"

Optional Fields

  1. accommodationFare: Accommodation fare (ex: 13828.2)
    •  If not provided, the price will be calculated according to the daily prices.
  2. cleaningFee: Cleaning fee (ex: 50) 
    • If not provided, the listing cleaning fee definition will be used.
  3. Additional Fees: (If one of the following fields is filled, the rest are mandatory):
    • The template includes the ability to fill in up to 3 additional fees per reservation. To add more, add the following 3 columns for every additional fee you want to add on top of the available columns in the template:
      • Additional fee type: (ex: additional bed, air conditioning, pool, etc.)
      • Additional fee name: (ex: Breakfast)
      • Additional fee amount:  (ex: 100)
  4. Fully paid: If you fill out this field, "Payment method" is mandatory:
    • Boolean (ex: TRUE)
  5. money.totalPaid: If you fill out this field, "Payment method" is mandatory:
    • Number (ex: 500). Only use this field if the reservation was only partially paid for.
  6. Payment method: One of the following:
    • Cash
    • Credit card
    • Debit card
    • E-check
  7. phone: Phone number (ex:16266883744)
  8. email: Guest email.
  9. confirmedAt: Date - YYYY-MM-DD (ex: 2019-07-22)
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