If Advance Notice is Set for Same Day, Why is Today Blocked in the Guesty For Hosts Calendar?

When Advance Notice is set as "same day" in your listing's Airbnb settings, today will still be displayed as blocked in the Guesty For Hosts calendar. Note the following per channel:
  • Airbnb
    • Your calendar in Airbnb will show as available according to your Advance Notice setting by days/hours. A guest can book same day, and if booked, this reservation will be reflected in the Guesty For Hosts calendar.
  • Booking.com
    • Your calendar in Booking.com will still show as available according to your Booking.com Restrictions setting by days/hours. A guest can still book same day, and if booked, this reservation will be reflected in the Guesty For Hosts calendar.
  • Vrbo
    • Guests cannot make same-day reservations on Vrbo, regardless of the Advance Notice setup in Guesty for Hosts.
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