Following are the options you have to manage your listing's check-in and check-out restrictions. By default, all days are selected to allow check-in and check-out. For instructions on accessing the availability settings, click here.
Channel syncing limitations
Synced with:
- Airbnb
- Vrbo upgraded connection
- Only check-in days, check-out days not synced
- Direct bookings
NOT synced with:
- Vrbo standard connection
- Update directly in Vrbo
- Availability restrictions must be set separately in Guesty For Hosts, explained here.
Update check-in or check-out days
Navigate to your listing's availability settings then update as needed:
Days guests can check-in
- To the right, click Show to expand.
- Untick the tickbox for each day of the week to restrict check-in.
Days guests can check-out
- To the right, click Show to expand.
- Untick the tickbox for each day of the week to restrict check-out.
Days guests can check-in